My pen name is Gaby Merman, a name chosen both as an homage to my grandfather, and as a nod to Andersen’s fairytale, The Little Mermaid. I’ve been into artistic expression (drawing, painting) from a very young age, supported and inspired by my grandfather who was sharing with his love of art, litterature, myths, fairytales and spirituality.
After taking academic art classes for four years during my teenage years, I entered the school of Fine Arts in Caen, France, but couldn’t carry on studies due to cystic fibrosis. This led me to dedicate my time and effort in the pursuit of my artistic projects.
I discovered the Tarot at the age of 13, and progressively self-taught cartomancy since. I was fascinated and irrepressibly drawn to the power of this vivid, ancient and rich imagery. The desire to constitute my own deck grew over the years until 2013, when the first artwork for this huge project (the Chromatic Chapel Tarot) has been completed. While creating it, I worked on my English and slowly forged a network around Tarot and cartomancy online, with incredible people and fellow creators who supported me a lot over the last decade, and still do. Ten years, one hundred of artworks and their companion book later, this journey led me to you, who are visiting this place today.
Thank you for reading me, and welcome into my world.
Gaby Merman